If supplying your own artwork please make sure they follow the specifications below.
We prefer Artworks as press ready PDF files if possible.
PDF Files
Include 3mm bleed if necessary and a 5mm 'safe margin'. Convert file to CMYK not RGB, unless spot colours are required. Keep compression to press quality.
Photoshop file (.psd/.tiff/.eps or high quality jpg)
Include 3mm bleed if necessary and a 5mm 'safe margin'. Please include fonts used if text layers are not rasterized. Convert file to CMYK not RGB, unless spot colours are required. Keep resolution at 300dpi.
Supplying Logos for inclusion in a job
When supplying a logo to include in your printed job it is best to supply in Vector format e.g. editable pdf, ai or eps file. (Please check with whoever originally designed your logo/sinage they should be able to supply in this format)
Alternatively, supply a high-res jpg file (though please be aware that a jpg or photoshop file of any sort cannot be colour seperated into spot colour)
What is 'Bleed'?
'Bleed' is an essential part of creating artwork for print. All background elements and images of an artwork should extend (or bleed) beyond the edges of the document by an additional 3mm or so. This prevents unwanted white borders around the edges of a printed document.